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Wednesday 21 July 2010

More of the same....!

Well yesterdays cold front gave us forecasters a "big" headache as it did not do as we had forecast!! Ah Ah No, the forecast was just about right , but it was all a little bit further West than originally predicted, oh well thats weather forecasting for you!! Now its a little more straightforward in the next couple of days as low pressure will provide the classic sunshine and showers scenario.
Tonight will see any residual showers dying out to leave a dry night with some clear periods, ,cooler than recently ,lows of 11c/52f.
Thursday dawns bright with some sunshine and the morning looks as though it will be dry, the best part of the day if you want to do some jobs outside, the afternoon will see some big ,tall clouds starting to develop and that heralds some heavy, perhaps thundery showers to develop during mid to late afternoon, perhaps with hail and thunder. These will carry on during the evening before clearing away in the early hours. Highs Thursday..22c/72f...lows 9c /48f
Friday, looks an ok sort of day, some light residual showers perhaps midday, but a lot of dry bright weather, with light winds.....More weather later on Friday with the weekend prospects.
Just to tell you that we are bringing some new features on worcestershireweather in the next couple of weeks. We will be featuring the "worcestershireweather forecast area map" for you, and you will see it covers a much bigger area than Worcestershire! Next, we are starting a "worcestershireweather Quiz" and we are asking you as members to send youre answers in and there will be a prize for the correct entry "subject to the shuffle of entries in an old hat"!! and then we will have a section called "Data please...You Can Help!" This section is asking for anything weather related, Photos, Video, data from your Home ,temperature, wind,Rainfall etc, and what we will do is put your observation on worcestershireweather and plot the info on the forecast map with youre name on it. Also we are going to do an Holiday section,called "Holidays,from Mother Nature" where you can tell us or show us youre video/pics or just write into and tell us how youre holiday was enhanced, or detroyed by the weather. We will also be posting a "monthly weather round up" and youre data will be invaluble in this area. So lots to come in the near future, but just remember to become a member on all it takes is your time ,the rest is FREE! seeyaa Ian.

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