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Thursday 8 July 2010

The July 2007 floods......

Much has been talked about these dramatic floods in July 2007. The month as a whole was extremely wet even by Winter standards, The whole month took a whoping 9 inches of rainfall about 4 times the average! Flooding hit at some point virtually all the county and surrounding counties too whether it was localized flooding or River flooding.The NorthWest of the county along the Teme valley saw dramatic flooding around midmonth with much damage done and then came one one of the UKs largest deluge for many years on the 20th as a small but potent "cutoff low" drifted North from France and sat over the county that day, especially the southern half along with North Gloucestershire and SouthWestern parts of Warwickshire and as a result some enourmous rain totals were recorded! Over a large part of this area mentioned torrential rain lashed down along with some rumbles of thunder and 5 to 7 inches of rain fell widely on already saturated ground and the water had no where else to go but to the already swollen Rivers Avon, Severn and Isbourne, not to mention the other countless smaller Rivers and streams across this region. At my newly installed weather station[ VOEWS] here at a staggering 135mms fell on the 20th thats nearly 6 inches and of note too a maximum temperature of only 12c/54f. As a result of this tremendous rainfall, Horrific flooding and damage was the result and as home is sat neatly by the Rivers Avon/Isbourne ,I did not have to go far to find out, but fortunately and amazingly we were not flooded but the poor folks across the road were as the photo in the top left hand corner shows. Needless to say from the dramatic video and pictures which follow, the floods were to close for comfort and to hear the roar of the Rivers ,the tremendous power of water was literally brought to my home and I remembered the feeling of being very frightened and scared.......All I can say it was an experience I will never forget. and of course for those flooded in there homes and businesses across the worst affected areas of Evesham and Tewkesbury , Im sure its something they would rather put behind them...Needless to say, its something which Im hoping and everyone else.we wont see again......!

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