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Monday 24 August 2015

Weather Round-Up For.....November 2014.

A rather traditional November , a very mild, wet a and windy month.There were only 8 dry days with 79mms of rain [3 inches] compared to the average of 79mms. The highest pressure was on the 20th where pressure rose briefly to a 1024mbs and the lowest pressure was 986.9mbs on the 3rd.. The highest temperature was on the 2nd with 15.8c/60f recorded and the lowest temperature was minus 2c/28f on the 25th.The highest windgust was 28mph SouthWesterly  on the 13th. The average daily temperature is 9.8c,/49f but recorded was 11.7c/53f and the night time average temperature is 3.8c/40f and recorded came out at 6.3c/44f.  Three airfrosts were recorded.

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