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Saturday 4 December 2010

Weather Roundup for November....

November, was a very interesting month as regards to a variety of weather and temperature! 15.7C/60f was recorded on the 4th and then on the 11th /12th a large and deep low pressure system crossed the Uk bringing severe gales or even storm force winds and heavy rain. Then the weather became quieter and colder with high pressure developing to the North of the Uk with winds coming in from the NorthEast bringing some very cold air. The last few days of November brought some very heavy snow for some with record falls and some astonishingly low temperatures, a record low of minus 18c/0f, a record low at this time of year for Powys in beautiful Mid Wales with a minus 10c recorded here at ww.coms Hq on the 28th with daytime temperatures not getting above freezing. Precipitation...[Rain/Snow] came about average here in Evesham at 65.7mms but did differ greatly from one place to another. Temperatures were below average for both day and night with the average daytime temperature recorded 8.3c/46f compared to the average 9.8c/49f and likewise the recorded average nightime temperature came out at 3c/37f below the average 3.8c/39f.

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