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Sunday 1 May 2011

Aprils Weather Round-Up.

April was one, if not one of the driest and warmest Aprils on record. Compared to the Worcestershire rainfall stats of 51mms the general rainfall was about 10 to 15% only of the norm with a Localized Thunderstorm on Saturday 23rd gave some heavy downpours with hail, but generally the rainfall was at best of 9mms. Temperatures were also well above average with the highest temperature being recorded on the 23rd with a hot 27.1c/81f and the lowest recorded temp was 1.6c/35f. Compare the average day time temperature of 12.5c the actual daily temperature this month came about 6 degrees above average at 18.5c/65f comparable to the average day temperature for early June!! The night time average daily temperature also came above average at 6.5c/44f compared to the normal 4.4c/50f. The highest  pressure reading was a 1029.3 mbs on the 12th and the lowest was 1006.2 on the 22nd. Highest wind gust was 30 mph from the South on the 4th.......

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