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Friday 25 February 2011

The Month Ahead....March 2011

March , and all the months can be a real challenge to forecast and this March will not be the exception!! There are so many different scenarios being thrown up by the computer models at the moment! The start of March is expected to see rather cold grey conditions even some wintry stuff with generally quiet benign conditions. As we move into the second week we will see the Atlantic roaring in so,rain ,sleet and snow all in the forecast as well as some blustery winds. The Third week sees a welcome change and tends to settle down for a while, some frost and fog is possible with temperatures quite a way down on average, but some sparkling Spring Sunshine! As we make our way to the end of the month ,unsettled conditions again will be the theme , but again below average temperatures as winds will be blowing in from a True NorthWesterly direction all the way from Greenland, so some wintry weather again especially for high ground and some frost too but a good deal of sunshine in between the Showers!!

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