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Tuesday 8 September 2015

Weather Round-Up For.......July 2015.

A record breaking hot day in some parts for July to start, then a very mixed month with a record low in some parts to close the month! Highest pressure was a 1021.4mbs on the 9th and the lowest pressure was a 994.2 mbs on the 26th. Highest wind gust was 26 mph southwesterly on the 7th.Rainfall came out at average with 50mms recorded against the average of 52mms. Dry days were 13 and  wet days were 18. Average day temperature come out at 21.7c and the recorded average was 22c, /72f about average. The average night temperature is 12.4c and recorded was below average at 11.7c/53f.  The highest temperature was 34.8c/94f on the 1st [ actually the next day saw temperatures 20c lower!] The lowest temperature came out at the last day of the month with 2c/36f recorded. A record low for these parts! An interesting month as regards temperature extremes...!

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