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Saturday 25 October 2014

Weather Round-Up for........July 2014.

A very warm and dry month with most of the rain falling from severe nocturnal thunderstorms on the17th /18th. There were 24 dry days and 7 wet days. The average rainfall is 52mm and recorded was only 34mms. The highest pressure was a 1024mbs on the 23rd and the lowest was a 1001.6mbs  on the 5th.The highest day temperature was the hottest day of the year at 29.5c/85f on the 25th and the coolest temperature was 9.2c/48f on the 14th.The average day temperature is 21;7c/71f and recorded was 24.7c/76f and the average night temperature is 12,4c and recorded was 12.6c/54f.

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