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Tuesday 3 September 2013

Weather Round-Up For.....July 2013.

July was an outstanding month for summer weather given the previous Julys, this month was the warmest and driest since 2006! The first 3 weeks of July were bone dry with temperatures often between 25c/77f and 30c/86f.The hottest months temperature came on the 21st at 31.9c/89f, making it the hottest day since 2006. The following day brought the hottest of the weather to an end with violent thunderstorms along with flash flooding. Pershore, just 5miles away from here recorded 56mms of rain in about a couple of hours whilst I recorded a deluge too of 30mms. Thereafter, the weather remained warm to very warm with some heavy thundery rain at times. Considering, the first three weeks were completely dry, the last 9 days brought the rainfall average above the usual monthly figures. 62mms [2.5 inches] was recorded compared to the usual 52mms. Lowest night time temperature was on the 5th with 10.7c/51f. Given the above amount of sunshine on offer, it was not surprising that the average temperatures were well above average. The average day time temperature is around 21.7c/71f and recorded was 26.1c/79f. Equally,the average low temperature is 12.4c/54f and recorded was 14.3c/58f. So in summery, a thirst quenching month if you either like hot weather, or thunderstorms, even better if you like both!
                                                      The Uks rainfall Stats                                                                    
MiddletonMoor:- Derbyshire:-117.6mms
Garforth Leeds:-53mms
Scarborough North Yorkshire:-25mms
Bloxwich, Herefordshire:-30.2mms
Cork  S Ireland:-48mms
Voews, Evesham Worcestershire:-62mms
[25mms=1 inch]  Many thanks to all contributors!

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