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Friday 5 October 2012

Your Weekend Weather....!

Evening! Well its Friday again and yes its raining again!! Good news is that this weekend will see some usable weather for the outdoors, a good oppurtunity for clearing and tidying the garden for the Winter months! Saturday, will dawn misty if not foggy although high ground such as the Malverns, Cotswolds and the Witley hills  escaping that scenario. A fair day, with some sunshine, Skies clearing later to leave  a very chilly night and over to Sunday morning some frost and fog to contend with then bright skies to leave a mostly fine day but cloud and wind picking up late in the day. Highs this weekend 15c/59f dipping too 0c/32f And ,yes youve guessed it more rain, but good news most of us will be a sleep by then!!Have a good one! Ian.

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