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Monday 6 February 2012

Your Week Ahead Forecast!

After the Snow what we saw the weekend and now the remnants of thawing snow, a Quiet week of weather coming up, but turning much colder from the East as we move through the week. Monday and Tuesday, will see extensive Hill Fog, grey and misty and Murcky for the rest of us with perhaps some Drizzle and patchy rain from time to time. Highs of 4c/39f and Lows of 0c/32f. From Wednesday onwards , brighter but colder air moving in , which will allow frost to develop overnight and Freezing Fog as well which may well be reluctant to clear in some places later in the week, and where that happens it will stay below freezing all day. Severe frost by Thursday and Friday with lows of Minus10c/18f, Highs of 1c/34f. Now snow threat this coming week. See Yer Ian.

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