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Saturday 16 July 2011

June,s Weather Round Up......

June was once again a very mixed Summer month without any hot spells other than on the 26th/27th where the temperature peaked at 29.6c/85f on the 26th. Both night and daytime average temperatures were below average. Daytime norm/19.7c recorded /19c 66f  Nightime Norm/10.5c  Recorded 9.2c 48f .Rainfall again in this area [Evesham] was well below average @30.7mms compared to the monthly norm of 64mms, although locally throughout the area rainfall was close to normal. Some notable cool nights for Summer ,2.9c/37f recorded on the 12th. Quite windy too at times for instance on the 21st a 25mph gust of wind ,locally much higher!

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