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Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Summer Forecast,,,,,,A Mixed One...!

Its that time of year where we take a look at what Summer is going to be like and this Summer Forecast is my own thoughts and no way influenced by any other source. Initially, I would like to say that the forecast coming up will be the "General Theme" of the weather for June ,July and August and of course exact detail of weather for these coming months is impossible for such a long period ahead!
This month will be changeable with some pleasant Summer sunshine ,but also some unsettled ,cooler spells as well and indications while writing this is that the second week is likely to see below average temperatures with showers or some longer spells of rain and perhaps the odd pocket of rural ground frost . As we move through to the rest of the month warming up, perhaps very warm on one or two days but an increasing risk of humid and thundery conditions for the rest of the month. This month probably wont correct the deficit in rainfall following an exceptionally dry March and April ,but im expecting average or just below average rainfall generally but of course in any thundery down pours rainfall could be locally high. Temperatures generally average for the month
Indications for this month are for warmer than average temperatures but rainfall becoming above average as it looks as though this month will see some very warm but thundery weather as our weather is likely to be dominated by slack areas of low pressure bringing at times some severe thunderstorms and localized flash flooding. As always with this scenario there will still be some fine Sunny conditions, this month is likely to see the Summers Hottest temperatures and most humid conditions.

The Hurricane season which starts from June 1st through to November 30th with its peak in August and September is forecast to see more Hurricanes than average forming over the Caribbean. Although the Uk does not see any direct effect of Hurricanes ,in some years Ex-Hurricanes [Ex Tropical Storms] can come across the Atlantic and sometimes give us some very disturbed weather such as was the case by Hurricane Charlie back in 1986. This August is likely to see some active weather in from the Atlantic but with some windows of fine weather too and in those spells turning briefly very warm and humid. But look out for August to see  average temperatures generally, Wetter than average and also Windier than average as some strong areas of low pressures influenced by Ex Tropical Storms  influence the Uk

Monday 30 May 2011

Getting Better..!!

Its been a typical Bank holiday day ,cool and wet, but the good news is that the rest of the week ahead up to Friday  will turn warmer and Sunnier and it will feel like June by the second half of the week! Tonight will see drier and clearer conditions moving in but a rather cold night coming up with lows in the countryside getting down to about 4c/39f just escaping a ground frost. Tuesday dawns bright and cool but some showers may crop up in the Afternoon. From Wednesday onwards the weather settles down and becomes increasingly warmer and Sunnier with highs by Friday possibly touching 25c/77f. I will be back tomorrow for a look at the Summer Forecast! See Ya Ian.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

High Risk for Devastating Tornadoes in the USA!

Looks as though some folks especially over Oklahoma and including Oklahoma City are bracing themselves for some really deadly weather...
For more news on the storm chase go to ....

Sunday 22 May 2011


Its been another very windy day and more to come tomorrow with gusts of wind between 30 and 45mph during Monday but those winds should ease down by the afternoon, only to be replaced by cloud and some rain later. I will be back later on Monday with your all important "Week Ahead  Video Forecast" which will cover the Bank Holiday weekend.  See Ya Ian.....

Friday 13 May 2011

Your Weekend Weather....

The picture opposite really sums up the weather this weekend, Heavy showers, perhaps thundery and a cool wind too but for many growers and gardens ,dissapointing amount of rain. Temperatures by day between 14 and 18c lows of 4c. so perhaps tender young plants should be covered. I will be back with your "week ahead video forecast" on Sunday evening. Have a great weekend....See Ya Ian.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Your Week Ahead Forecast.

The week ahead will feel more like April than May with a mix of sunshine and heavy showers but as the case with showers some places will stay dry picticularly over the Oxford area! Tonight will see breezy conditions and some late showers dying out over the Powys area and then a cool night to come. Monday will see showers some heavy and thundery by the Afternoon but as I said earlier the Warwickshire/Oxfordshire area will see the least of these showers. The rest of the week will see winds moving into the West or NorthWest so cooler conditions to follow  perhaps with the odd FROST pocket here and there so Gardeners please stay tuned to the weather forecast!!! I will be back later in the week.....Enjoy! See Ya Ian.

Friday 6 May 2011


Evening folks! A thundery end to the exceptional dry/warm spell; is now underway and that change is around about 100 miles to the South of us!! A warm muggy night is in store and some patchy outbreaks of heavy rain  will move North from France just before midnight and then some very heavy rain with Flash Flooding, is likely after midnight with Thunder and Lightning possible too.! By Day break those stormy conditions will still be with us and only slowly clearing during the morning, and only to be replaced by more storms and heavy rain,{Flash Flooding Is Possible }but in any sun/brightness it will feel very warm and humid. Then more heavy rain and storms moving through on Saturday night/ sunday morning to be followed by clearer ,fresher conditions but some afternoon showers....! Certainly good news for Gardens, Gardners, and Growers, but a lot of rain all at once and this weekend could well see in one or two spots more than two inches of rain, more than we have seen in the last 3 months!! I will be back this weekend with  a short news video of why we have had such warm/dry conditions in March and April. Dont forget to check back here for any severe weather warnings and I will be doing the "Your Week Ahead Forecast" later on Sunday as well as the "Top Of The World" section for the Asparagus growing season next week....See Ya Ian...

Sunday 1 May 2011

Your Week Ahead Forecast.

Aprils Weather Round-Up.

April was one, if not one of the driest and warmest Aprils on record. Compared to the Worcestershire rainfall stats of 51mms the general rainfall was about 10 to 15% only of the norm with a Localized Thunderstorm on Saturday 23rd gave some heavy downpours with hail, but generally the rainfall was at best of 9mms. Temperatures were also well above average with the highest temperature being recorded on the 23rd with a hot 27.1c/81f and the lowest recorded temp was 1.6c/35f. Compare the average day time temperature of 12.5c the actual daily temperature this month came about 6 degrees above average at 18.5c/65f comparable to the average day temperature for early June!! The night time average daily temperature also came above average at 6.5c/44f compared to the normal 4.4c/50f. The highest  pressure reading was a 1029.3 mbs on the 12th and the lowest was 1006.2 on the 22nd. Highest wind gust was 30 mph from the South on the 4th.......