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Tuesday 10 August 2010

Monthly Weather Round Up.....July 2010

July was a very benign month, on the whole, with a mainly high pressure dominated pattern, although ,the high pressure was often displaced . There was a wide range of rainfall across our area, with the Hills and Mountains Of Mid Wales recording inches of rain, whilst the East of our area recorded only millimeters, as any frontal weather simply died out when it moved East. The [VOEWS] recorded 29.09mms of rain ,the monthly average here at Evesham is 52mms about 2.0 inches. It was very windy midmonth as weak fronts made there way across our area, with 30mph recorded here, but more exposed areas would have recorded more than 40mph! The Highest air pressure was recorded on the 18th, at 1022.4mbs and the lowest air pressure was recorded on the 14th at 996.8 mbs. The highest day temperature was  on the 1st of the month was 26.4c/80f and the lowest was 8.4c/46f recorded on the 6th. The average day temperature here, is 21.7c/71f but the month came above the average at 22.8c/73f, the average night temperature falls down to 12,4c/54f but the recording was again above average at 13.6c/55f. There was 17 dry days and 14 wet days, so overall July came out with some very benign Summer weather!!
Yes ,we do need your help, if there is anyone who can become a member/follower and has anything to record weather in your garden ,We Are Very Interested. The monthly weather roundup would be greatly enhanced by your weather stats, and we would also give you a mention too, and would give us  a good idea on the variation of weather across our Beautiful area, Thanks Very Much.....Ian.

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