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Friday, 27 January 2012

Your Weekends Weather.

Evening Folks. A dry weekend coming up but becoming increasingly colder from the East on Sunday as a Major Weather Pattern Change looks likely from Here on! Tonight will initially see some heavy showers with everything thrown in, then clearer colder over night" BLACK ICE " on Saturday morning first thing so take care if youre out and about. A dry cold day with some sunny intervals, Light winds. The evening will quickly turn cold and clear and then on Sunday morning after a Sharp frost turning Cloudier. A cold feeling day with a noticeable Easterly Breeze Highs of 3c/37f but staying Dry.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Wintry Mix.!

During the next few hours an area of Rain, Sleet, Snow and hail will make some parts of the Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire and SouthEast Wales travel networks rather Dangerous.Snow is likely on High ground for a time such as the Malverns and Cotswolds for a time , although snow is possible at low levels too for a few. Clear conditions and subzero temperatures are expected to make Some Roads and Pavements very slippy.  Valid to 12:00 hrs Friday 27th January 2012.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Weather Glossary. A to C.

{"Weather Terms and Definitions."}
Aams: Artic Airmass.

Ablation:-Depletion of snow and ice due to melting and evaporation.

Accas:-"AltoCumulus-Castellanus" Mid Level Cloud, bases from 8 to 15 Thousand feet, often seen taller than wide, giving them a "turreted" look [A bit like a Castle] Accas is often a sign of instability aloft and may Precede the rapid development of Thunderstorms.[Pronounced:-ack-kis]

Accessory Cloud:- A cloud which is dependant on a larger cloud system for development and continuance. Roll Clouds, Shelf Clouds and Wall Clouds are a good example of this.

AC:- Alto-Cumulus, A cloud of a class characterized by globular massesor rolls in layers or patches.Medium Altitude  8-20,000 feet.

Accretion:- The Growth of a Precipitation frozen particle, with a supercooled liquid water droplet which freezes upon impact.

Adiabatic:- Changes in temperature by the expansion [cooling] or compression [warming] of a body of air as it rises or decends in the atmosphere with no exchange of heat with the surrounding air.

Adiabatic-Lapse-Rate:- The rate of decrease of temperature experienced by a parcel of air when it is lifted in the Atmosphere under the restriction that it cannot exchange heat with its enviroment.

Advection:- Transport of an atmospheric property by the wind.

Advection Fog:-A fog that forms when warm air flows over over a cold surface and cools from below until saturation is reached,IE, Springtime in the Uk when a warm air mass flows over the Cold seas.

Air Mass Thunderstorm:-Generally, a Thunderstorm not associated with a front or other type of synoptic-scale forcing mechanism. Air Mass thunderstorms, typically are associated with warm, humid air in the Summer months. They develop during the afternoon in response to strong insolation and die off quickly after sunset. They generally are less likely to be severe than other types of thunderstorms, but still can produce downbursts, brief heavy rain and hail up to 3/4 inch.

Alaska Current:-A North Pacific Ocean Current flowing counter-clockwise in the Northward flowing [warm]division of the Aleutian Current.

Albedo:- Reflectivity, soil, surface reflectivity. The fraction of radiation striking a surface that is reflected by the Surface.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Your Weekend Forecast.

Not a Bad weekend coming up Folks mainly dry, some bright or Sunny intervals, and temperatures around 9c/48f. No Frost around either, but it will be windy which will make it feel rather cold if youre in the Great OutDoors!! I will be back later on Sunday for your week ahead forecast, with some Early News of a Major Weather Pattern Change! Untill then Take Care...See Yer...Ian.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Your Weekend Weather!

Evening Folks. A settled weekend coming up but as the picture shows it will be Frosty at night with perhaps some Fog patches. Both days will see loads of Sunshine but very cold after dark with some sharp frosts. Highs of 5c/41f   Lows of minus 6c/23f.  Have a great weekend. See Yer Ian.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

"December 2011" Weather Round-Up.

December 2011,goes down in the weather Books as a very wet and at times Stormy Month, with again some record breaking Mild weather especially during the Christmas period. The month as a whole saw just about average Rainfall here in Evesham, but was greater in other parts of the local area. The North and West of the United Kingdom saw the most of the Rain with Scotland seeing its wettest year since records began in 100 years! Fort-William in the Highland area of Scotland ,just at the foot of Ben-Nevis, the Uk,s highest Mountain at 4.500ft had a record amount of rain coming out at 17.2 inches! To give you some idea how wet that is, the Worcestershire Region recieved that amount in the Whole of 2011, they had that in one Month.!!! Take a look at our new rainfall Uk Network below the months Summary for some interesting Reading! There were some Stormy periods on the 1st/13th and at the end of the Month with frequent Gusts of wind up to 50/60mph in some exposed locations. Temperatures again were above the Monthly Average. Decembers average daytime temperature comes out at 7.7c /45f and recorded was 9.1c/48f. The average nightime temperature is 2.2c/36f, Recorded:- 4.3c.

Royston [Herts]:-62.5mms
Nw Kent:-63mms
Broxwich[ Herefordshire]:-94.2mms
Gorforth [Leeds]:-56.5mms
Voews[Vale Of Evesham Weather Station]:-57.4mms
Runcorn[Cheshire]:- 65mms
Isle Of Man [Douglas]:- 93.2mms
Stockton On Tee:-28mms
Cumnock [East Ayrshire]:-125mms
Ballyclaire[Co Antrim,NI]:-154mms
Cork City:-71mms
NewtownAbbey[Co Antrim,NI]:-128mms
Bradford On Avon[Wiltshire]:-91mms
Fort William[Highland, Scotland]:-430.5mms[17.2 inches] Making it Scotlands wettest month !!
25mms=1 inch.
Many Thanks again to everyone who have sent there rainfall stats.!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Your Week Ahead Forecast.

This coming week will see dry settled conditions throughout, and light winds. There will often be a lot of cloud around, but some spells of sunshine during the day lifting temperatures this week up to a very mild 12/54f, but in any clear spells overnight Frost and Fog will form and this may be slow to clear in one or two places during the Day. Lowest Temps this week ,minus2c/28f.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Your Weekend Forecast!

Evening folks, its the first weekend of the New Year and it has to be said its not a bad weekend given the time of year to be out and about! Tonight will see mild , cloudy damp conditions developing as well as becoming increasingly Windy although nothing like the windy weather earlier this week! Saturday:- dawns dright ,breezy and rather cold and thats the way its stays all day 8c/46f. Sunday:- starts off cold perhaps a touch of frost early on and the becoming cloudy with some low cloud and drizzle shrouding the tops of the Hills such as the Malverns and Cotswolds and some patchy rain turning up elswhere. 11c/52f. I will be back for your week ahead forecast later on Sunday. Take Care, See Yer Ian.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Wind Advisory!

Another round of very Windy weather overnight with winds gusting between 40 and 60mph during this period. Rainfall  in some places could well to lead to localized flooding especially around the Black/Cambrian Mountains of Wales and the Brecon Beacons area. Further East this should not be a problem. These conditions will Ease during Thursday Morning. Take Care ,See Ya Ian.